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Level G,
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75, Abate Rigord Street,
Ta’ Xbiex,
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I hate starting off with a negative but I receive so much spam email that I feel it's important to point these things out first. Any of these queries will not be answered and email addresses will be added to my blacklist.

  • You work for an online casino and want me to promote your brands on my site? There are hundreds if not thousands of online casinos right now. Our team strives to review as many of these as possible. If yours isn't listed on VSO yet, please be patient, we will get to it in due time. I receive a lot of this spam from casino staff and it is very frustrating, so please do not email me with these inquiries.

  • Buying or selling blog posts, news posts, in-content textual links or any other form of advertorial. I do not accept any forms of advertising that is made in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings or promote online gaming websites.

  • You are interested in purchasing the website. This is a hobbyist site. I've been playing slots for more than 20 years so this site is a passion of mine which I maintain in my spare time. I still have a day job and this is what I do for fun during my down time in the evenings. If you would like to offer me 8 figures so I can retire to a Caribbean island, then I may reconsider :)


  • You have a slots question - slots is my passion and while I don't know everything about every game, I've got a good handle on most of the games that have been on casino floors over the past 10 years or so. If you have a question I'll do my best to answer it to the best of my ability.

  • You find a bug on the site. These types of email are really helpful and a big thanks to all of you who have contacted me in the past to report issues. Thanks to a couple of the VegasSlotsOnline regulars I discovered major stability issues with some Amaya, Aristocrat and IGT titles which have now been resolved. So if you find an issue big or small, please let me know.

  • You find an inaccuracy in any of the articles on the site. I write 90% of the content you find here. I have a couple of girl friends and fellow slot fanatics who help me out from time to time but the bulk of what you read here has been written by yours truly. While I won't be winning any writing awards any time soon, I strive to do my best to capture the essential info about each game. Recently I had a reader contact me to let me know that I had incorrectly listed Van Helsing as an IGT game. Again, feedback like this is really helpful and enables me to keep the details of the site as accurate and up to date as possible.

  • You are a member of the media and wish to contact me.

There is one thing I left out above and that is the matter of writing for this site. I am currently looking for one or two people to help me out with the content on the site. I don't make it to the casinos as often as I'd like, so I sometimes fall behind on the slots scene. I'd love to find somebody who lives in Vegas, is passionate about slots and is interested in writing about them. I'd also like another person to write about the online games to help lighten my workload. I try to write a review every night after work, but even at that rate I struggle to keep up with all the new releases. Anyway, if you think you fit the bill please send me a brief bio and why you think you'd be suitable for the role, as well as any relevant writing experience you have. This would be a paid position.

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Per domande commerciali, contattaci su [email protected]

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