The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for a global ban on gambling ads due to the threats that the sector poses to public health. It published a fact sheet on Monday outlining how an estimated 1.2% of the worldwide adult population suffers from a gambling disorder and 60% of profits come from people betting excessively.
increasing access that people in low-to-middle-income countries have to smartphones
A big concern for the Swizterland-based organization is the increasing access that people in low-to-middle-income countries have to smartphones, which will accelerate rates of gambling in these areas. It pointed towards some of the negative consequences of excessive betting, such as mental illnesses, family violence, and financial distress.
WHO believes that marketing and sponsorship are key drivers for the growth in the industry worldwide, which is why they think banning them is a vital first step in combating growing issues. The body labels current responsible gambling protocols as “typically ineffective,” putting a lot of blame on individuals. WHO favors mandatory systems over voluntary ones for this reason.
To aid in its efforts, WHO is forming a group to consider the health impact of excessive gambling. One of the group’s initial priorities is creating new tools to diagnose gambling-based disorders.