Blackjack Players Spark Debate for Not Tipping Dealers After $1.2m and $127k Wins

  • People who win big at a casino table are expected to give a tip to the dealer
  • Users on X claimed the blackjack players should have tipped 1-2% of their wins
  • Some questioned how to take into account the taxes on winnings and their P/L
Blackjack table and dealer
The failure of two big winning blackjack players to tip their dealers has sparked massive debate online. [Image:]

While there’s no hard rule about tipping at casino tables, it’s certainly good etiquette. The expectation is that winning players give a portion of their return to the dealer as a token of appreciation.

suggested 3-10% for side bets

An article by the Las Vegas Review-Journal in November 2023 explained that people should give a few dollars to the dealers at lower-limit tables when they win a few consecutive hands or hit a blackjack. It suggested 3-10% for side bets.

Two blackjack players in Las Vegas didn’t seem to get this message despite winning progressive jackpots, one worth $1.2m and the other $127,000. Las Vegas Locally posted the details on X, with commenters discussing what these people should have done:

Most agreed that 1-2% of the bigger wins would be fair, which would equal $12,000 to $24,000 for the $1.2m win.

Others questioned if taxes come into the equation, as tipping does not impact the taxable amount of one’s gambling winnings. Another consideration is the total profit/loss for the player up to that point. One dealer remarked that 5-10% is common at his place of work for everyday action.

Whatever the case, most people agreed they should have tipped at least something before leaving the tables.

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