YouTube to Restrict Gambling Content Starting March 19

  • On March 19, YouTube will restrict certain gambling content
  • The platform will restrict which gambling services can be mentioned
  • YouTube’s goal is to provide age-appropriate experiences
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YouTube’s goal to provide “age-appropriate experiences” means it will begin restricting gambling content displayed on its platform. [Image:]

YouTube has announced it will narrow its policies on gambling content. The new rules will affect content creators and consumers starting on March 19. YouTube will restrict creators from verbally referring to gambling services not approved by Google. Content creators will also be prohibited from displaying logos and linking to them in videos.

The new rules rollout could also affect users under 18 by restricting whether those users—or users who are simply not signed into YouTube—would be able to watch videos about online gambling. According to YouTube, this rule will not include videos showing online sports betting and people gambling in person.

YouTube states that it might remove content “promising guaranteed returns.”

In a further move to restrict potentially harmful gambling behavior, YouTube states that it might remove content “promising guaranteed returns.” The move would restrict content regardless of whether the gambling service being mentioned has been approved by Google. In other words, a guaranteed return could be a guarantee for removal.

In the announcement, YouTube said: “We know this update may impact creators who focus on online gambling content like casino games and applications, but we believe these changes are a necessary step in protecting our community, especially younger viewers.”

YouTube’s goal is to provide “age-appropriate experiences.” In 2021, the company banned gambling ads from its masthead ad slot. In a similar move, Twitch in 2022 restricted streams displaying gambling sites with slots, roulette, and dice games.

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