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Blackjack Strategy: Become a Blackjack Pro Today

Welcome to the best blackjack strategy hub you’ll ever come across. We’re going to show you why employing basic blackjack strategy is so important for any budding blackjack player.

After all, your decisions affect the outcome of every hand. So why not invest a few minutes of your time to win more the next time you hit the blackjack table?

Whether you’re a beginner looking for basic blackjack strategy tips or an experienced player seeking something more advanced, we’ve got you covered. We explain the best moves to make in specific scenarios, provide strategy charts, and much more!


Why Learn Blackjack Strategy?

Our Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Chart

Every online blackjack game uses different rules and settings, meaning there’s no single chart that is perfect for every situation. That’s why we’ve created our ultimate blackjack strategy chart.

We can’t stress enough how important it is to reference a blackjack chart to help you make the mathematically correct moves. Here’s why you should bookmark this page and follow our blackjack strategy chart the next time you play:

  • Useful for any typical blackjack game

  • Plan the optimal move for any situation

  • Easily avoid big mistakes as you play

  • Become more familiar with basic strategy


Our Top Basic Blackjack Strategy Tips

If you want the dummy’s guide to blackjack strategy, you’ll do well with our top blackjack strategy tips.

  • Reference a strategy chart: After your cards have been dealt, compare your hand with the dealer’s up card by reading our strategy chart above. This chart will indicate the mathematically correct play to make.

  • Don’t play insurance: This bet is considered a dumb move by blackjack pros. The house edge increases to 5.9% when insurance is played. In the long run, you’ll lose less money by not taking insurance.

  • Decline even money: If you’ve hit blackjack and the dealer’s up card is an Ace, you’ll be offered even money. The hand will be a push 30.74% of the time, which makes it a very bad bet in the long run.

  • Read the playing rules: Make sure you know the rules of the table before making your blackjack bets. Whether the dealer must stand on 17 or hit on soft 17 will always be clearly printed on the table.

  • Always split Aces and 8s: By splitting Aces, you give yourself a chance to hit blackjack with two hands. A pair of 8s equals 16 and outs you in a difficult spot. It’s always better to split and play two hands.

  • Stand on hard 17 or more: Without an Ace in your hand, it’s highly like that hitting will result in you busting. With a total of 17 or more, you should simply stand and hope the dealer goes bust instead.

  • Don’t split 5s or 10s: A pair of 5s gives you a great chance to hit blackjack. While many players think splitting 10s is the correct call, drawing low cards would put you in a tricky position. Stick with 20.

  • Stand on soft 19 and 20: This is one of the easiest blackjack strategy rules to remember. Every strategy chart shows an “S” for stand when you hold A-8 or A-9, regardless of what the dealer’s up card is.

When Should You Make These Moves in Blackjack?

If you don’t already know about the common moves in blackjack, make sure you read our guide on how to play blackjack to get the basics under your belt. Of course, knowing what each move means is one thing, but knowing the best time to use it is vital for any successful blackjack strategy. Allow us to help.

Single vs. Multi-deck Blackjack – What Changes?

Strategies change when you play with different decks. Rules that may apply for single-deck blackjack games likely differ when another deck is added into the mix, and almost certainly when four to eight decks are shuffled. Some of the key differences between deck amounts include:

Single Deck Blackjack
Double Deck Blackjack
4-8 Deck Blackjack
52 cards used
104 cards used
208 to 416 cards used
House edge of 0.16%
House edge of 0.46%
House edge of 0.60% to 0.66%
Cards are shuffled manually
Cards are shuffled manually
Shuffling machine is used
Fewer double down moves due to less 10s in the deck
More 10s in the deck increase your likelihood of busting
More 10s in the deck increase your likelihood of busting
Easier to count cards with a single deck
More difficult to count cards with two decks
Tougher to count cards with four to eight decks used
Your cards are dealt face down
Your cards are dealt face down
Your cards are dealt face up

Common Blackjack Mistakes

Some of the main rookie moves that cost inexperienced blackjack players the game include:

Scouting Blackjack Tables

Planning to put what you’ve learnt from our blackjack strategy guide into practice at a land-based casino? Then we must stress the importance of scouting blackjack tables. Let’s face it, not every blackjack table offers the same rules, betting limits, or the same number of decks.

Before you take a seat, ask yourself these questions:

  • What are the advertised minimum and maximum betting limits?

  • Are the cards being dealt from one, two, four, six, or eight decks?

  • What are the playing rules? (6:5 or 3:2 payout? Can you surrender?)

  • Does the dealer shuffle the cards manually or use a shuffling machine?

  • Is the table full or will you be playing heads up against the dealer?


Our Top Takeaways to Win More on Blackjack

Some of the most important things you should keep in mind when playing blackjack include:

Are You Ready for Advanced Blackjack Strategy?

If you’ve read up till this point, then you should now know the basics when it comes to blackjack strategy. If you take our tips to heart, then you will fare well when you next hit the blackjack table.

But what if you really want to take your game to the next level? In that case, it’s time to get into advanced strategy. The next step of blackjack strategy is counting cards. This age-old technique has helped countless professional blackjack players crush the blackjack tables at land-based casinos in Vegas and beyond.

If you’re interested in mastering the craft, check out our guide on how to count cards in blackjack.


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